Australia's Waste Export Bans - The What , When and How

July 17, 2020 00:43:03
Australia's Waste Export Bans - The What , When and How
Australia's Waste Export Bans - What, When and How
Australia's Waste Export Bans - The What , When and How

Jul 17 2020 | 00:43:03


Show Notes

The Council of Australian Governments has agreed to the timetable and definitions to ban waste glass, tyres, plastics and paper & cardboard from export. 

The commencement of the COAG waste export ban starts in January 2021 with Glass. Kristin Tilley - First Assistant Secretary - Waste and Recycling Taskforce - Environment Protection Division at the Department of Agriculture, Water & Environment talks withThe Garbologist providing listeners an insight to the rationale and future framework of these game changing bans.

This podcast was produced with assistance from the Department of Trade , Business and Innovation, Northern Territory Government of Australia


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